Интересные вопросы

64. Complete the text with have to / must / mustn’t / can / could / may /... 6 класс Биболетова М. З. Английский Enjoy English Модуль 2 Раздел 4

Complete the text with have to / must / mustn’t / can / could / may / can’t / needn’t.
Sometimes, more than one answer is possible.
Dear children,
Now you are pupils at a primary school and today is
your first day. We’ll study together for several years.
There are some school rules, which you have to follow.
1. You ... listen to your teacher and carry out your teacher’s
2.     You ... walk or run in the classroom.
3. If you want to ask something, raise your hand and ask: "...
I go out, please?” or “... you give me a book, Ms Smith?”
4. You ... use your mobile phones in the lessons but you ...
phone your parents during the break.
5. There are lots of interesting books in the classroom and
you ... read them during the breaks and after the lessons.
6. You ... bring your textbooks to school, we have extra
copies in the classroom.
7. You ... leave the classroom after the bell and with my
permission (разрешения).
8. Don’t forget that you ... wear your school uniform at


64.      Закончите текст словами have to/must/ mustn ’t/can/could/may/can ’t/needn’t. Иногда возможен более, чем один ответ.
1.      must/have to                     6.   needn’t
2.      mustn’t/can’t                    7.    can
3.      may; could/can                 8.    needn’t
4.      mustn’t; may/can              9.    must/have to
5.      can/may

ваш ответ
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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения
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Nikita: ...? (Подробнее...)

ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.