43. Work in pairs. Each student should read one text. Биболетова М. З. Английский Enjoy English 6 класс Модуль 2 Раздел 3
Work in pairs. Each student should read one text. Both texts are the same but
some information is missing in each text. Ask each other questions and fill in the
missing details. Don’t look at your partner’s text.
The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30
and 8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have toast with butter
and jam (often strawberry, apricot or other jam), marmalade (a type of jam made
from oranges) and a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Others prefer a bowl of
cornflakes with milk, or porridge.
A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs
(scrambled1 or fried2),...
Lunch is the meal which people have in the middle of the day (usually between
about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich. Some people have a simple meal
such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. It is also traditional for people to go to
... for lunch.
Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have
... cups per day. They may drink Indian or China tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or
sandwiches with it.
Dinner is the most common name for the meal which people eat in the evening.
It is very popular for British people to get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead
of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have ... restaurants. Many
people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food
restaurants often serve hamburgers or fried chicken.
The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30 and
8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have ... in the morning. Others
prefer a bowl of cornflakes with milk, or porridge.
A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs
(scrambled1 or fried2), sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried
potato or fried mushrooms.
Lunch is the meal which people have .... Many people eat a sandwich. Some people
have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. It is also traditional for
people to go to a pub with some friends for lunch.
Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have
more than 185 million cups per day. They may drink ... tea and often eat biscuits, cakes
or sandwiches with it.
Dinner is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening.
It is very popular for British people to get a takeaway or go to a restaurant
instead of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have Indian and
Chinese restaurants. Many people like Italian pizza
and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve
43. Работа в парах. Прочитайте тексты
и восполните недостающую информацию, задавая друг другу вопросы по своему тексту.
Text А.
1. ... sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried potato or fried mushrooms;
2. ... a pub with some friends;
3. ... more than 185 million;
4. ... Indian and Chinese.
Text B.
1. ... toast with butter and jam (often strawberry, apricot or other jam), marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) and a cup of tea or coffee;
2. ... in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00);
3. ... Indian or China;
4. ... hamburgers or fried chicken.
These phrases are taken from the text
“Who’s There?”. Sort them out in two groups
about the spaceman and the cat. Write (Подробнее...)
Write down a brief summary of the text
“Who's There?”. Use the following guidelines:
One day...; Suddenly...; On my way (Подробнее...)
Make up statements by matching their
two parts. Write them down.
1. Galileo made (Подробнее...)