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ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 5f №1 Read the box, then complete the sentences

Read the box, then complete the sentences
with verbs derived from the words in capitals.
Some verbs consist of a prefix plus a verb. The prefix changes or modifies the meaning of the verb. Some common prefixes are re- (= again, rethink, rewind), mis- (= implying a mistake, misspell, mislead), under- (= not enough, undercharge, underpay), over- (= too much, overcharge, overdo) and dis- (for negation, disappoint).
1     David and Sylvia usually............. about which
film to go and see. (AGREE)
2     The author had to............ his book to include
an extra chapter. (WRITE)
3     Jane was very busy when rehearsing for the
concert she ...............  how many rehearsals
there would be! (ESTIMATE)
4     Don’t......... me -1 think the painting is good,
I    just wouldn’t hang it in my living room! (UNDERSTAND)
5     They .........  us in the restaurant but they
quickly realised and gave us some money back. (CHARGE)
6     Directors often........... old film classics such as
The War of the Worlds. (MAKE)
 ау, кто знает???


я знаю)
1)   disagree;
2)    rewrite;
3) underestimated
4)    misunderstand;
5)    overcharged;
6)    remake.

ваш ответ
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