Интересные вопросы

ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 5e №2 You have just received the following email from a friend:

You have just received the following email from a friend: 
Hey, I'm going on holiday in a week and I would like to take a good book with me. Have you read a good one recently? If so. please write and tell me all about it. What type of book is it? What's it about? What did you like about it?
Reply soon,
Read the rubric and answer the questions.
1    What is the purpose of the email?
2    What do you have to write?
3    What kind of information should you include?
4    What style will you write in? Why?
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The purpose of the email is to recommend a good book for Susan to read on holiday.
2.           An email.
3.            I should include the following information: type of book, title, name of author, plot summary, com­ ments on plot/characters, your general recommenda­ tion and reasons to support my recommendation.
4.             I will write it in informal style, because it is for a friend.
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