Поможете дополнить предложения фразами ?
Complete the sentences with the phrases: dash
one’s hopes, in the hope that, hope for the best,
get one’s hopes up, give up hope, have high hopes
of, pin one’s hopes on in the correct form. Use
each phrase in another example of your own.
1 We might be able to go away this weekend,
but don’t.......... - I may have to work.
2 He gave up his job ............... he would find
something better.
3 I hadn’t changed a tyre before but I decided to
have a go and...........
4 A terrible injury .............. Greg’s ............ of
reaching the Olympics.
5 Mike........... getting this job. He hasn’t applied
for anything else.
6 I never........ that I would become a famous
singer one day.
Joanne going to university