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Выберите Progressive check 1 № 2 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 7 класс Ваулина Ю. Е.

Choose the correct word.
1       John leads an unhealthy/unwelcome lifestyle.
2       We really like the landscape/peace and quiet in this village.
3       There is a low rate of unemployment/living
in big cities.
4       It’s a crime to look/break into a house.
5       I miss the hustle and noise/bustle of LA.
6       I love saying/chatting with my friends.
7       Public transport is convenient/heavy in my town.
8       You are hometown/homesick when you miss home.
9       He’s installing/inventing outside lights in his garden.
10         I hate the constant/crowded noise in Paris.
11         He feels lonely/friendly away from his family.
12         Let’s check/rent a DVD tonight.
13         On a hot day we do/play beach volleyball.
Everything is close/easy at hand in big cities.


Выберите правильный ответ.
1)    unhealthy
2)   peace
3)   unemployment
4)   break
5)   bustle
6)   chatting
7)   convenient
8)   homesick
9)   installing
10)    constant
11)    lonely
12)    rent
13)    play
14)    close

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Hi Steve,
Thanks (Подробнее...)

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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык7 классВаулина Ю.Е.