Интересные вопросы

Выберите № 40 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Choose the correct form. Use the table above.
1    I will leave / I'm leaving for St Petersburg tonight. I have already bought a ticket
and packed my luggage.
2    I think our football team will win / is winning this game. The players are in their
best form now.
3    If you come tomorrow, I will show / I'm showing you the photos that I took in the
National Park. There are some really exotic animals there. You'll enjoy I
you are enjoying the evening.
4   I don’t think I will have any free time this weekend. My sister will get married /
is getting married and I can't miss the ceremony.


Выберите правильную форму. Используйте приведенную выше таблицу.
1)   I’m leaving for St Petersburg tonight. I have already bought a ticket and packed my luggage.
2)   I think our football team will win this game. The players are in their best form now.
3)   If you come tomorrow, I will show you the photos that I have taken in the National Park. There are some really exotic animals there. You’ll enjoy the evening.
4)   I don’t think I will have any free time this weekend. My sister is getting married and I can’t miss the ceremony.

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ГДЗАнглийский язык9 классБиболетова М. З.