Вот помогатор!
1) Сеанс в английском кинотеатре длится недолго. - I disagree. А feature film, a documentary film and other films are usually long. Nobody will buy a ticket to a cinema just to see a short film.
2) Демонстрируются только художественные фильмы. - I disagree. There are usually feature films and documentary in English cinemas. You can see different films. For example, in the «Odeon» you can see comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories.
3) В некотрых кинотеатрах сеансы идут без перерыва. - I agree.
4) Англичане не любят проводить вечер дома. - I disagree. Several years ago English people often went to the cinema It was so until English people got home videos. Many of them stay at home and spend quiet evenings reading books and watching TV or videos.
5) В «Одеоне» вы можете посмотреть только мультфильмы. - I disagree. You can see many different films there. At the «Odeon» you can see comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories.