Интересные вопросы

Task 13. Lesson 39. Hobbies. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

Привет, как ответить в отрицательной форме по примерам из задания?
Answer the questions in the negative giving the two reasons. The phrases a)— g) can help you.
P,: Would you like to go for a walk this afternoon?
P2: I’m afraid, I can’t, I’m going to the cinema, and besides, it’s very cold.
1.      Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow evening?
2.      Would you like to go to the football match this evening?
3.      Would you like to go to the ballet on Friday evening?
4.      Would you like to go to the musical tomorrow morning?
5.      Would you like to come and see me on Wednesday evening?
6.      Would you like to go to a concert ['kɒnsət] on Thursday evening?
7.      Would you like to go to the theatre on Tuesday?
a)          ... I’m going to the theatre, and besides, I’m not a cinema-goer.
b)       ... I’m going to the ballet, and besides, I don’t care for football.
c)        ... I’m going to my granny’s birthday, and besides, I’ve already seen this ballet.
d)          ... I’m going to the cinema,.and besides, I’m not a theatre-goer.
e)        ... I’m going to a football match, and besides, I’m not fond of concerts.
f)      ... I’m very busy, and besides, I don’t feel well.
g)        ... I’m going to the museum, and besides, I’ve already been to this musical.


Лови ответы
Thank you for the invitation, but I can’t. I have to help my mother about the house and, besides, the cinema is so far.
I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ve got a lot of homework to do, besides I don’t care for football.
I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to the cinema on Friday and, besides, I’m not a theatre-goer.
I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go to school tomorrow morning and, besides, I have alreadfy been to this musical.
Thank you for the invitation, but I can’t. I’m very busy: I have to water the flowers, clean the carpet and walk with the dog on Wednesday, besides, I feel bad. I am going to a football match and, besides, I am not fond of concerts.

ваш ответ
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