Интересные вопросы

Task 10. Lesson 35. Travelling and Transport. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

Народ, спасайте! Как выражали своем мнении в упражнении?
Read and give your opinion.
1.      Why is a through train comfortable?
2.       What is a journey?
3.       What is a voyage?
4.     Is it more interesting to travel by train, by plane or by sea (by ship)?
5.     Do you have to change if you go to Red Square by Metro ['metrəʊ] from your house?
6.       Have you ever missed a train (plane, bus)?
7.     Does your father catch a bus when he goes to work, does he walk or does he go by Metro?


Лови ответ
1)     Почему прямой поезд является более удобным? - I think that а through train is more comfortable. But sometimes a through train doesn’t go to the place where you want to get to. But you don’t have to take your luggage and go onto another train, so it’s much more comfortable.
2)     Что такое путешествие? A trip and a journey are not different. A journey is usually a long trip. Every trip is a journey, but sometimes you can have trips to different places when you have a journey. You just travel from one place to another. People are usually tired after they have returned from a journey.
3)     Что такое морское путешествие? - Voyage is a journey by sea. It’s just a long trip by sea.
4)     Как интереснее путешествовать: на поезде, на самолете или на корабле? - I have never travelled by ship, but I think it isn’t interesting, because you can’t see different interesting things while you travel by ship because you see only the ship and the sea. It isn’t interesting to travel by river, too. I think it’s more interesting to travel by train. You can see different places. But it’s the most interesting to travel by plane. You fly in the blue sky like a bird and you see many things. You are above the plains and the seas so you can see everything. It’s very interesting.
5)     Вам нужно делать пересадку, если вы едете из дома на Красную площадь на метро? -I live far from Red Square and I have to change when I go there from my house. I have to change at the metro station called Taganskaya.
6)     Ты когда-нибудь опаздывал на поезд (самолет, автобус)? - Yes, I have missed a bus. I missed it on Monday morning. I was nearly late for school.
7)     Твой отец ездит на работу на автобусе, идет пешком или едет метро? - We do not live far from a metro station so my father doesn’t have to catch a bus. He just goes straight ahead to the metro station. He gets to his work by metro.

ваш ответ
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