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Сравните Across the Curriculum 1 № 3 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Listen and read the text again. Compare and contrast the two types of Victorian families. Use whereas, but, both.
Upper/Middle class families lived in large houses whereas working class families lived in small ones.


Ты забыла сам текст:
Working Class Families
Мost of these families lived in small houses.
Often several families lived in a single room. Houses had no running water and it was
not 8)......... (common) for a whole street to
share two 9)........... (out) toilets and a water
It was very common for poor families to have as many as nine or ten children, many of whom didn't go to school. Instead, they looked after their fO)  (young) brothers and sisters or even worked. In Victorian Britain, children as
young as three or four years of age, worked up to 16 hours a day in coal mines, in cotton mills and as chimney sweeps. The father of the house often worked in a factory while the mother was responsible for all the household chores.
For entertainment, working class families went to parks, cheap music halls or to gardens which had fairgrounds, sports matches and fireworks displays.


Comparing and contrasting different
types of Victorian families
•      Revise the use of linking words to compare and
contrast and write a few examples on the board.
•     Working in pairs and rereading the texts, Ss write
as many sentences as they can comparing and
contrasting different types of Victorian families.
•     Select a few pairs to read out their sentences
to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Upper, middle class and working class families
have large families but working class families
were usually larger.
In upper and middle class families the children
were looked after by a nanny, whereas in
working class families it was the older siblings
who looked after the younger ones.
Working class fathers usually worked in
factories, whereas fathers from the upper and
middle class worked in banking or insurance.
Upper and middle class families lived
comfortably and did not have to carry out
dirty jobs but working class families did.
In working class families the mother was
responsible for the household chores but in upper
and middle class families they had servants.
For entertainment, working class families went
to cheap music halls, watched sports matches
or went to see firework displays whereas upper
and middle class families visited museums. etc

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