Интересные вопросы

Составь диалог Unit 4 №19 ГДЗ Английский 4 класс Биболетова М.З.

Complete the dialogue. Fill in was or were.

A: Was it interesting at the party at school yesterday? B: Yes, it ... . There ... so many strange people there. A: Who ... there?
B: Oh, there ... a lot of funny monsters, merry clowns, brave supermen and kind fairy ladies.
A: Oh, really? A costume party!
B: And there ... two nice English hobbits.
A: It’s a pity I ... not at this costume party.


   Составь диалог. Вставь was или were.
A.       : Was it interesting at the party at school yesterday?
B.        : Yes, it was. There were so many strange people there.
A.       : Who was there?
B.        : Oh, there were a lot of funny monsters, merry clowns, brave supermen and kind fairy ladies.
A.       : Oh, really? A costume party!
B.       : And there were two nice English hobbits.
A.       : It’s a pity I was not at this costume party.

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