Интересные вопросы

Сопоставьте описания 1E № 6 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Match the descriptions (1-6) to the adjectives.
Find two descriptions in the article in Ex. 2.
•        shy • moody • confident • nervous
•        impatient • sensitive
1             She looks people in the eye and smiles when meeting them for the first time.
2             He looks down at the floor and blushes when speaking to people he doesn’t know well.
3             Sara’s eyes often fill with tears when she watches sad movies.
4             Sam often sits with his arms folded and with a grumpy expression on his face.
5             Mike taps his foot and sighs when he has to wait.
6             As well as biting her nails constantly, Anna often fidgets a lot.
Linking words and phrases
•        We can join descriptions of similar personal qualities by using: in addition, also, and, both... and, moreover, as well as etc. She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper.
•        We can join descriptions of contrasting qualities by using: but, oh the other hand, however, nevertheless, in spite of this, although etc. She is independent and knows her own mind. However, she is sometimes very stubborn.


Matching descriptions and adjectives
•      Explain the task.
•     Ss complete the matching task individually and
check their work using a dictionary.
•     Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1     confident      3    sensitive        5    impatient
2     shy                 4    moody            6    nervous
•     She is supportive and knows how to encourage
people when they’re feeling down.
•     She tends to be very stubborn and
determined. Once she’s made up her mind
about something, no one can make her
change her mind.

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