Сопоставьте 1E № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.
a) Match the adjectives to their justifications.
Make sentences, as in the example.
a always looks on the bright side of life
b never stops chatting
c is always telling people what to do
d only cares about him/herself
e is always on the go
f has lots of friends and is liked by everyone
g isn’t easily annoyed, worried or upset
h doesn’t like working
i has a strong desire to be successful in life
j gets angry really easily
My dad is an energetic person who’s always on the go.
b) Fill in: aggressive, pessimistic, generous, hard-working, outgoing, arrogant, sensitive, cheerful.
1 Ben is so............. He believes that a job isn’t
worth doing unless it’s done properly.
2 Alison is quite.............. She often picks fights
with people and gets angry really easily.
3 Jake is............. He’s the life and soul of the
party and loves meeting new people.
4 Joe is a.......... person. He always expects the
5 Tanya is............. She’s always got a smile on
her face aod never Jets anything get her down.
6 I’ve never met anyone as............ as Sally. She’s
always buying people gifts.
7 John is so......... ! He thinks he’s more important
and better than everyone else.
8 Sam is a........... guy. He’s a great listener and
seems to understand when you’re feeling down.
a) Understanding character adjectives
• Read through character adjectives 1-10 with
the class and check Ss' comprehension.
• Complete item 1 together as a class and
then allow Ss a few minutes to complete the
rest of the task individually.
• Ss compare answers with a partner.
Answer Key
1 e 3 b 5 c 7 i 9 j
2 g 4 h 6 a 8 d 10 f
Suggested Answer Key
1 My little brother is so energetic that he
won’t sit still for one minute.
2 John’s a really easy-going guy and nothing
annoys him.
3 Dan is so talkative that I can’t get any
work done.
4 My brother is too lazy to get out of bed in
the morning.
5 Ira is so bossy that no one likes him at all.
6 I’m always optimistic and can see the
bright side of anything.
b) Practising character adjectives
• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to
complete the task.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Answer Key
1 hard-working 5 cheerful
2 aggressive 6 generous
3 out-going 7 arrogant
4 pessimistic 8 sensitive
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