Интересные вопросы

Решите № 37 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

 Work in groups of 2 or 3. Decide the
shoulds and shouldn’ts for a good
friend. Use the expressions from the
box. Explain some of your statements.
Then share your opinion with your
Example: A good friend should support you
if you are right.
quarrel with you about silly unimportant
defend you if someone hurts you
betray you in difficult situations
support you if you are right
support you if you are wrong
appreciate your advice
follow your advice in any case
envy your success
avoid conflicts with you
cheer you up
ignore your interests
care about your feelings
feel jealous if sometimes you are more


Работайте в группах no 2 или 3. Решите, что должен и не должен делать хороший друг. Используйте выражения из рамочки. Поясните некоторые из своих утверждений. Поделитесь своим мнением с одноклассниками.
A good friend shouldn’t quarrel with you about silly unimportant things.
A good friend should defend you if someone hurts you.
A good friend shouldn’t support you if you are wrong; he should explain you that you are not right so that you would understand or avoid doing a serious mistake.
A good friend should appreciate your advice, because if you are very good and real friends, you will try to give your friend only good piece of advice, so he should believe you and try to understand your point of view.
A good friend should care about your feelings. A good friend should avoid conflicts with you. A good friend shouldn’t ignore your interests.

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