Интересные вопросы

Прочитайте 1D № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Oscar Wilde wrote some fairy
tales with morals. Look at the
title of the extract on the right
along with the picture. What
could the moral be in this fairy
tale? Read the biography and
was born in Dublin,
Ireland. He was a playwright, essay and short story writer, poet and novelist, known for his clever wit and charming personality. His popular works include the plays The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) and An Ideal Husband (1895) and his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891). Wilde also wrote fairy tales for adults, some of which included a moral. Among them is The Devoted Friend (1888), a story about friendship and generosity, betrayal
and hypocrisy. A linnet1 (a small songbird) and a water-rat are two of the characters that tell the tale.
1 linnet - Romo (in Russian)


Reading for specific information
•     Ask Ss to look at the picture and the title. Elicit
ideas from the Ss about the content.
•     Ss read the biography and check their predictions.
Suggested Answer Key
The title of the story is ‘The Devoted Friend’,
so I think the story is about a very good friend.
In the picture we can see two people - one fat
and one thin. The thin one is giving the fat one
some vegetables/flowers. I think that no
matter how little you have, it is good to share
it with other people. True friendship asks for
nothing in return.

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