Интересные вопросы

Привет! Помогите совместить. Unit 2. Section 2. № 52. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Match the words with their definitions. Give the Russian equivalents.
1 insurance
2 foreign currency
3 label
4 visa
a) a special mark in a passport that gives permission to enter or leave
the country
b) a little piece of paper, plastic, or any other material which appears
on someone’s luggage and has essential information about its
owner (usually name and contacts, telephone and address)
c) type of money that is used in a country
d) a document in which a certain sum of money is paid in case of an
illness or an accident


Соедините слова с их значениями. Предложите русские аналоги.
1.    — d. Insurance (страховой полис) is a document in which a certain sum of money is paid in case of an illness or an accident.
2.    — c. Foreign currency (иностранная валюта) is type of money that is used in a country.
3.      — b. A label (ярлык) is a little piece of paper, plastic, or any other material which appears on someone’s luggage and has essential information about its owner (usually name and contacts, telephone and address).
4.      — a. A visa (виза) is a special mark in a passport that gives permission to enter or leave the country.

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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения
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