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«Незабываемый день». Напишите свою историю (80-120 слов).
How my father missed the train
Once we were going on holiday on a train. When the train stopped at one of
the stations my father left the train to buy some newspapers and food. But he did
not have enough time to get on the train because there was a queue in the shop at
the railway station. Suddenly the train started to move. My father rushed to the
train and run after the train, but he couldn’t catch it. The train went without him.
My mother and I were very nervous. We did not know what to do. We decided
leave the train at the next station and to return to the previous station where our
father was waiting for us. But when the train arrived at the next station, my father
was already there! He had taken a taxi at the previous station and caught the train.
So he got on the train and we continued our trip. We were very happy!