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Привет! нужна помощь с гербами. Unit 2. Section 4. № 109. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Look at the pictures of the emblems and symbols of some of the Russian regions.
Answer these questions:
a)        • What elements do they consist of?
•       Have they got more animals or floral symbols on their emblems?
•       What is your local emblem?
•       What elements does it consist of?
b) Research your local emblem. Then write an essay about it.


Посмотрите на изображения гербов и символов некоторых русских регионов.
Ответьте на вопросы.
The first emblem shows us a two-headed eagle with crowns on each head and one another crown between them. The second emblem consists of a house and a horse over it. The third one shows a bear holding a pole-axe. The fourth emblem shows a camel standing on the grass in front of a stone wall. And the last emblem consists of a big yellow tree and also a big golden crown over it.
As we can see, there are more animals than plants on these emblems. There are four animals and only one plant.

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