Интересные вопросы

Представьте Going Green 1 № 6 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Portfolio: Work in groups. Imagine you are organising a ‘Clean, Green Neighbourhood’ day. Plan the day’s events & activities e.g. planting9-11am.Present your


Planning a ‘Clean, Green
Neighbourhood’ day and presenting ideas to the class
•     Organise Ss into groups. Explain the task.
•     Allow Ss time to plan and write their ideas. (Ss
should make a poster similar to the one in the
•     Ss present their posters to the class and vote
for the best one.
Suggested Answer Key
Clean, Green Neighbourhood Day Thursday,
September 8th, 2008
Come Out and Join Your Fellow Neighbours to
Make Our Home a Better Place!
Don’t Miss:
-      the green parade at 9 am
-      the green exhibits on the lawns of the
houses on James Street.
-      the green cafe at 9 Pelican Street (all
proceeds go to Save Your Planet
environmental group)
Day’s Activities:
10-12 pm: Clean up walk around the
neighbourhood (everyone meets at Charleston
bakery to start the street rubbish collection).
12-3 pm: Tree planting in Percy Park.
3-5 pm: The great recycle and reuse round up
(drop off recyclable items and reusable items
at the parking lot of Kelly’s Supermarket)
5-6pm: The car hospital (have your car or
motorcycle checked for proper emissions by
George’s Garage-no cost)
Take action and see the difference in your

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 Что говорится в задании ?
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