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Посмотрите № 64 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

a) Look through the tips “How to
Be a Perfect Mate” and choose those
matching the pictures.
How to Be a Perfect Mate
•   If your mate is feeling a bit down, why
don't you cheer him / her up by inviting
your friend to your place and having fun
•   If he / she is always there for you as a
shoulder to cry on. make sure you do the
same whenever he / she needs you.
•   If you see a picture of his / her favourite
celebrity in a magazine, cut it out and
keep it. It will show that you’ve been
thinking about him / her.
•   Make sure you stick up for your mate
if he / she is being bullied. Imagine how
you’d feel if he / she didn’t stick up for
•   Don't worry if you don’t like the same
boys or girls, clothes, music, etc. It's good
to know someone who likes different
•   If you have a boyfriend / girlfriend and
he / she hasn’t, don’t spend all your time
speaking about him / her because it will
make your friend feel uncomfortable.
If your mate tells you an important
secret, make sure you keep it a secret!
b) Read the tips again and say what a
perfect mate should he like.


а) Посмотрите на подсказки «Как быть лучшим другом» и выберите выражения к картинкам.
1st picture — If your mate tells you an important secret, make sure you keep it a secret!
2nd picture — If you have a boyfriend/girlfri- end and he/she hasn’t, don’t spend all your time speaking about him/her because it will make your friend feel uncomfortable.
b)      Снова прочтите подсказки и скажите, каким должен быть лучший друг.
A perfect mate always tries to cheer his friend up and to help him, remembers his interests, sticks for his/her friend and keeps his/her secrets; besides that, he/she appreciates his/her friend, even if they have different interests.

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