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Помогите закончить предложения по тексту. Unit 2. Section 2. № 70. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Now read the extract from the book. Complete the sentences after the text.
1    When Davy managed to take the plane off the ground,
a)    he felt panic because he thought that his
father was angry with him.
b)   he felt panic because something was
wrong with the engine and he didn't
know what direction to take.
c)    he felt happy because his father was
pleased with him.
2     Davy was able to fly the plane
a)    because he remembered everything his
father had told him about it.
b)   because his father helped him all the
c)      because he wasn’t afraid of flying.
3     The most dangerous stage of the flight was
the landing
a)    because it was stormy at the Cairo
b)   because getting a plane off the ground
and flying it is easier than getting it
back down.
c)      because Davy felt tired and thirsty.


Прочитайте эпизод из книги. Дополните предложения после текста.
1.    — b. When Davy managed to take the plane off the ground, he felt panic because something was wrong with the engine and he didn’t know what direction to take.
2.    — a. Davy was able to fly the plane because he remembered everything his father has told him about it.
3.    — b. The most dangerous stage of his flight was the landing because getting a plane off the ground and flying it is easier than getting it back down.

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