Интересные вопросы

Помогите выбрать по картинке. Unit 2. Section 3. № 74. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Look at the pictures and say if you prefer:
•       to stay in a hotel or in a campsite
•       to go to a desert island or to a place where there are lots of people
•       to travel by yourself or with friends and relatives


Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что вы предпочитаете.
I think I would prefer to live in a hotel, because it is much more comfortable and convenient. Campsite is good for those who prefer something extreme and unusual or, as they say, who wants to be closer to nature. I think it all depends on your company. I mean that when you are with those people whom you love very much, it doesn’t matter much where you are.
As I am quite a communicative person, I adore spending my time with friendsand relatives and meeting new people. That’s why I would like to go to a place where there are a lot of people, because, in my opinion, it is much more interesting, funny and exciting. As I have already said, I am very communicative and sociable, so I like to spend my time with my friends and relatives. Holidays must be interesting and exciting; it means that we should spend it with pleasure. I don’t think that it can be interesting to spend your time along, that’s why I would prefer to spend my holidays with friends or relatives.

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