Интересные вопросы

Помогите обсудить вопросы. Unit 2. Section 2. № 72. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Discuss the questions in groups and explain your answers.
1   Why did Ben make his young son fly the plane instead of staying on the island and waiting for help?
2    Why was Ben so hard on Davy during the flight?
3    Explain the title of the story.


Обсудите вопросы no группам и поясните свои ответы.
1)    Ben made his young son fly the plane because nobody would ever find them on that desert island and they could die of thirst and the hot sun.
2)    Ben was so hard because he understood how dangerous it was for a young boy to fly. So, Davy at that moment was responsible for his and his father’s lives. Ben tried to help his son to direct the plane, and, of course, it was impossible to stay calm in that moment when you are between life and death.
3)    The title of the story “The Last Inch” explains that particular moment when you are between life and death. Ben explained to his son that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash or not.

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