Интересные вопросы

Помогите найти нужные выражения. Progress Check 2 № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Read the text and find the sentences that reflect the ideas of the text in the most accurate way.
1   The obelisk Cleopatra’s Needle tells us
about the victories of British sailors.
2    The obelisk is made of red granite and
nothing is written on it.
3    The obelisk tells us about the war victories
of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.
4    The obelisk tells us about the victories of
the Greek pharaohs over the British.
1   The obelisk was cut in Heliopolis, then it
was transported to Alexandria, and only
in the nineteenth century did it appear in
2    The obelisk was made in Heliopolis and
then Cleopatra gave it to the British nation
as a present.
3    The obelisk was given to the British реорle
because Cleopatra herself wanted it to be
sent to Britain.
4    The obelisk was cut in Britain from a block
of red granite that had been transported
from Alexandria.
1  The obelisk can be called a present for
the archaeologists of the future because
there are very expensive things under it.
2  The obelisk can be called a present for
the archaeologists of the future because
they will find coins and gold under it.
3  The obelisk can be called a present for
the archaeologists of the future because
under it are things that can give them
unique information about the 20th
4  The obelisk can be called a present for
the archaeologists of the future because
it is made of red granite and is very expensive.


Прочтите текст и найдите выражения, наиболее точно отражающие идеи текста.
А.-3; В. - 1; С. — 3.

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