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Помогите мне объяснить название штатов. Unit 2. Section 4. № 96. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Read the unofficial names of some of the American states.
a) What conics to mind when you read these names? Find
the states on the map of the USA. How do the relief and
geographical position reflect the nicknames of the states?
Alaska — The Last Frontier (Последняя граница)
Arizona — The Grand Canyon State (Штат Большого
California — The Golden State (Золотой штат)
Florida The Sunshine State (Солнечный штат)
Georgia — The Peach State (Персиковый штат)
b) Use Appendix 1, pages 191-192. Try to explain why the states
have these names.


Прочтите неофициальные названия некоторых штатов Америки, а) Что приходит на ум, когда вы читаете такие названия? b) Используйте Приложение 1, чтобы выяснить, почему данные штаты так называются.
Alaska is also called the Last Frontier, and it means that the state is situated quite far from all the other states of the USA and it borders I he Arctic Ocean on the north and north-west, the Bering Strait and the Bering Sea on the west, and the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Alaska on I he south. The land boundaries on the east cut across some 1,150 miles (1,850 km) of high mountains to separate the state from the Canadian Yukon Territory and British Columbia province. Arizona is sometimes called the Grand Canyon State, which means that the Great Canyon is situated in this state.
Florida is also called the Sunshine State because it is situated on the extreme south of the United States and borders the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Gulf of Mexico on the west; this state has a very hot and shiny climate and attracts thousands of tourists as a health-resort state.
Georgia is called the Peach State, because there are big peach crops in that state.

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