Интересные вопросы

Подготовьте 2A № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Portfolio: Prepare a two-minute
talk on stress. Include: • what it is and what
causes it • how it affects our bodies • what
stresses you out • what you do to relieve stress
A definition, friends, of stress:
Your own reaction to a mess.
Stress from pains to pleasures range.
The common element is change.
Adapt or die, and that's a fact,
And so our bodies must react:
The heart speeds up, the gut slows down,
Facial muscles snarl or frown.
The point is, stress is not unique,
It doesn’t mean you're dumb or weak.
Common both to man and beast,
It proves you're still alive, at least!


Understanding Vocabulary
•      Draw Ss' attention to the words in bold in the
text. Elicit what part of speech they are.
•      Explain the task. Allow Ss a few minutes to
complete the task.
•     Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
tense: tighten
shallow: taking small amount of air in with
each breath
rationally: logically
nutritious: healthy and nourishing
essential: important, necessary
positive: hopeful, confident

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