Интересные вопросы

Перепишите 2E № 9 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

a) Look at Matt’s answer. Has he included all the necessary information? Is it written in an appropriate style? Why/Why not?
What a cool idea to have a party for Steve! I' d love to help you out!
If I were you, I’d invite all Steve’s friends from his class at school and from his football team, too. III send you a list of all their email addresses if you like!
Why don’t you have the party on a Friday or Saturday night? It’ll be tricky for everyone to come on a Thursday.
Also, don’t worry about getting everything ready. I don’t mind coming earlier to give you a hand!
Lots of love,
b) Rewrite the letter in a more appropriate style. Compare with your partner.


Checking an answer
•      Select a S to read out the email to the class.
•      Ask Ss the questions in the rubric around the class.
Answer Key
No, it is not written in an appropriate style
because it uses too many short forms,
colloquial language and the greeting and ending
are inappropriate for a semi-formal email.
b) Rewriting a letter in a more appropriate style
•      Explain the task.
•      Allow Ss time to write their letters.
•      Ss compare their work with a partner.
Suggested Answer Key
Dear Mrs Jacobs,
I think it would be an excellent idea to have a
party for Steve. I would be happy to help you out.
Maybe it would be a good idea to invite Steve’s
friends from his class at school and his football
team too. I would be pleased to send you a list
of all their email addresses.
It would be a good idea to have the party on a
Friday or Saturday night because it would be
difficult for everyone to come on a Thursday.
In addition, you needn’t worry about all the
preparations. I would not mind coming earlier
to help you.
Matthew Summers

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