Интересные вопросы

Ответьте Across the Curriculum 3 № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Read article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) below, then discuss the questions (1-2) in small groups.

1    What are human rights? Who are they for? Why are they important?
2    What is The Declaration of Human Rights?


Discussing human rights
•      Read out article 1 of the UDHR to Ss.
•       In small groups, Ss discuss the questions.
•       Invite groups to feed back to the class and
follow up with a whole class discussion.
Suggested Answer Key
S1: What are human rights?
S2: They are things that we all should have.
Like the freedom to be able to think what
you like.
S3: So, they are for everyone, right?
S1: Yes, I think so.
S2: Why do you think they are important?
S3: They are there to make our lives better.
S1: Yes, and they ensure that people are
treated with dignity.
S2: So, The Declaration of Human Rights is a
law to protect everyone’s rights.
S3: Yes, that’s how I understand it.

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