Интересные вопросы

Ответьте 2E № 3 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Who could each letter below be written to
How well do you know these people?
•  a good friend • a school teacher
•  a stranger you have spoken to on the phone
•  a couple you are going to stay with in England
•  a new friend of your own age


Identifying the possible recipient of a letter
• Focus Ss' attention to the list of people in Ex. 3
•     On the board draw a scale marked ‘most
formal' → ‘least formal'. With Ss, place the
people in the right position on the scale (e.g. a
good friend = least formal).
•      Explain the task and allow Ss some time to
complete it individually.
•     Ss check their answers with a partner.
Answer Key
•     a good friend - letters 4, 6
•     a school teacher - letter 5
•     a stranger you have spoken to on the phone
- letter 3
•     a couple you are going to stay with in
England - letter 1
a new friend of your own age - letter 2

ваш ответ
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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения
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