Интересные вопросы

Объясните слова Culture Corner 1 № 3 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Explain the words in bold. Make sentences using them.
Listen and read the text again. Work in groups of four. You are an interviewer, the others are the teens in the text (Jerome, Li and Rupa). Write questions and interview them.


Expanding vocabulary
•     Ss explain the words in bold by giving a
definition, synonym, miming, etc. Encourage Ss
to try to guess the meaning of the word from
the context before using their dictionaries to
check their guesses.
•     Ss make sentences using the new vocabulary.
Suggested Answer Key
community: people of shared national identity
generation: period of 25-30 years/people of a
similar age
make up the majority: be the largest in
origin: ancestry
picked on: bullied
diverse: made up of a wide variety of things
E.U.: European Union
brought up: raised from childhood
integrated: connected to the host community
unheard of: not known
mixed race marriages: husband and wife
from different ethnic groups
household names: people everyone has heard of
1     The local community is incredibly warm
and friendly.
2     The older generation rarely understand
the younger generation.
3     The natives of the country still make up
the majority.
4     My father has Irish origins.
5     Being picked on is one of the worst
childhood experiences.
6     The town has a diverse population from
many different nations.
7     E.U. stands for European Union.
8     I was brought up in a small village.
9     My family integrated well into the new
10    Prejudice isn’t unheard of in any nation.
11    Mixed race marriages are becoming
more and more common.
12   The celebrity party was full of household

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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык11 классАфанасьева О. В.