Интересные вопросы

Объясните фразы 2A № 6 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Fill in: giving, proportion, take, strain, temper,
tired, building, getting. Explain the phrases in bold.
1 I’m just sick and ..........  of doing exams all
the time!
2 I’m so fed up with the way I look. It’s really ...... me down!
3 I’m losing control. I can’t......... it any more!
4 Things aren’t as bad as they seem, Tracy. Don’t get
5   Jo makes me so angry. I lost my ....... with her again yesterday.
6    i think he’s feeling the...... of
his parents’ divorce.
7    I haven’t just started feeling
stressed. It’s been......... up for
8   My parents are......... me a hard


Choosing the correct word
•      Explain the task.
•      Allow Ss time to complete the task and check
their answers using the Word List.
Answer Key
1    A: under                     4   B: eyes
B: losing                    5   A: take
2     A: cope                          B: hurt
B: Take                       6   B: caused
3    A: chest                      7   A: killing
B: broken        B: over

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