Интересные вопросы

Обсудите 2A № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Listen and read the poem. Do you agree with it? Discuss in pairs.
Gap filling
Read through the text to get an idea of what it is about. Read again and look at the words before and after each gap. Choose the word which fits best. Read through the completed text to check if it makes sense.


Discussing a poem
•     Ss' books closed, write the title of the poem on
the board. Ask Ss to predict some of the
vocabulary they expect to find in the poem.
Write words on the board.
•     Ss' books open, play the recording. Ss follow
the text and listen.
•      In pairs Ss discuss whether they agree with
what the poem says.
Suggested Answer Key
S1: I agree with the poem that stress is a
natural reaction and that it is a normal
part of our lives.
S2: I agree that change is what usually brings
on stress, but I do think that it is unique
that some people handle it better than
S1: Stress is the way our bodies cope with the
environment. I guess there is also emotional
stress as well as physical stress. etc

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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык11 классАфанасьева О. В.