Интересные вопросы

Найдите № 53 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Find the sentences where the
preposition on can be replaced by the
preposition about. Read them.
1   Do you have any books on Russian
2   I’ve got lots of newspaper articles on
David Beckham.
3   There are a few newspapers on the table in
my room.
4      My sister was born on May 1st.
5   You can get information on local
bookshops from the Yellow Pages.
6   Please leave your things on the chair over
 7 Unfortunately, I haven’t got any
information on Tony Brown in my diary.
8      I will see my mum on Christmas Eve.
9      I don’t want to write an article on ecology.


Найдите выражения, в которых предлог on можно заменить на предлог about.
1)    Do you have any books on Russian history?
2)   I’ve got lots of newspaper articles on David Beckham.
5)  You can get information on local bookshops from the Yellow Pages.
7)   Unfortunately, I haven’t got any information on Tony Brown in my diary.
9)   I don’t want to write an article on ecology.

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