Интересные вопросы

Найдите 2E № 5 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

a) Which letter contains the most: short forms? colloquial languase? phrasal verbs? idioms? polite language? full forms? Find examples.
Dear Sarah,
1 Hi! How are you? I’ve been so worried about
you since I got your letter. Thought I’d drop
you a line to help you out.
2  It’s great that you’ve made some new pals,
but they don’t sound very good company, if
you ask me. No one has the right to tell you
how you should look and dress!
3  Also, I don’t like the idea of you bunking off
school just because your friends think it’s cool.
Why not tell them that you can meet up after
school instead?
4  Well, I hope it all works out for you. Write
back and tell me what happens!
Lots of love,
Dear Dr Kelly,
 1 I am writing to you in the hope that you can
help me. My name is Diana and I am sixteen years
old Mv problem is that I hate the way I look.
2  When I was younger I was happy and did not
worry so much about my appearance. I always
had lots of friends and I had fun. Now l rarely
feel like going out as I have no confidence.
When I look in the mirror I can only see my
faults and I think other people will see me like
that too.
3  Also, I am really dissatisfied with my weight.
What can l do? Maybe it would be a good idea
to have cosmetic surgery.
4   I would really appreciate it if you could help
me. I look forward to your reply,
Diana Smith
b) Find phrases/words in letter В which have a similar meaning to the phrases in bold in letter A.


a)  Analysing the style of a letter
•      Explain the task.
•     Allow Ss some time to complete the task in
•     Collect feedback from different pairs.
Answer Key
short forms - A (Hi, I’d, It’s, don’t, etc)
colloquial language - A (they don’t sound, it’s
cool, etc)
phrasal verbs - A (bunking off, meet up,
works out)
idioms - A (drop you a line)
polite language - B (I am writing to you in the
hope that..., I would really appreciate it...)
full forms - B (I am, did not, it would, etc)
b) Finding words/phrases with
similar meaning
•      Explain the task.
•     Allow Ss time to complete the task
•     Check Ss' answers, writing up the words and
phrases on the board.
Answer Key
Thought I’d drop you a line - I am writing to
pals - friends
If you ask me - I think
I don’t like - I rarely feel like/I am really
dissatisfied with
Why not - Maybe it would be a good idea to
Write back - I look forward to your reply

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