Интересные вопросы

Напишите 3E № 7 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

In pairs, write a suitable
introduction and conclusion
for the essay title below,
using appropriate techniques
and expressing your opinion.
Compare with another pair.
All teenagers should help to
look after younger siblings.
Read the study skill, then express viewpoints 7       1-4 below using milder language.
Expressing your viewpoints Don’t use strong personal expressions e.g. I know, I’m sure/certain that etc. or over-generalisations e.g. All teenagers are irresponsible to express their viewpoints/opinions. Use milder language instead e.g. In my view, It seems to me that, In my opinion/view, I tend to believe, I feel, Teenagers can/have a tendency to be irresponsible etc. This will make your essay more balanced.
1    I am sure that teenagers should help out at home.
2    Teenagers definitely shouldn’t have part-time jobs.
3    Teenagers’ schoolwork will suffer if they get a part-time job.
4     All video games should be banned


Expressing viewpoints using milder
•      Read the study skills box with Ss and draw Ss'
attention to viewpoints 1-4.
•      Explain the task. Ss complete the task individually.
•       Invite Ss to share their answers with the class.
Suggested Answer Key
1     I tend to believe that teenagers should
help out at home.
2      In my view, teenagers shouldn’t have part-
time jobs.
3      In my opinion, teenagers’ schoolwork
suffers if they take on a part-time job.
4     It seems to me that some video games
should be banned.

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