Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 5a № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина. Нужна помощь с списьмом

a) Read again. Who are the people in the pictures (1-6)?
Explain the words in bold.
b) Find a New Year’s greeting in the email. What do you say in your language?
From: Rosa To: Lizzie
Subject: Season's greetings
Dear Lizzie,
A□ What about you? How are you spending New Year's Eve? Whatever you are doing, have a wonderful time. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
B□ We are very busy at the moment. Dad is doing the last minute shopping. Mum is making a special dish, fried baby eels. They're delicious, honest! Aunt Betsie is making tea for everyone and Grandma is doing the gardening. Clara and Steve are doing the washing-up. Steve's also washing the grapes for tonight. In Spain, it's good luck to eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve! As for the twins, they are making the decorations. They are excited. Spanish people call New Year's Eve Nochevieja, which means the old night. This is because the 31st of December is the last night of the old year.
C□ How's everything back in NY? I hope the weather isn't too cold. Here in Madrid, everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve. The shops are full of people. They are buying presents and food. Council workers are decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the Plaza del Sol.
All the best!


Прочитайте снова. Кто люди на картинках 1-6? Объясните слова,
выделенные жирным шрифтом.
-        Ответ: picture 1 — Aunt Betsy
-        Picture 2 — Mum
-        Picture 3 — Clara and Steve
-        Picture 4 — Dad
-        Picture 5 — Grandma
-        Picture 6 — the twins
Слова: fried baby eels — жареные маленькие угри; delicious — очень
вкусный; grapes — виноград; excited — увлеченный; mean — означать;
celebrate — праздновать; council worker — муниципальный работник
b) Найдите поздравление с Новым годом в электронном письме.
Что нужно сказать по-русски? (oTeeT:Season’s greetings; Happy New
Year; С праздником! С Новым Годом!)

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