Интересные вопросы

Lesson 8. № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Помогите сказать, что делал Роберт.

Robert was nearly two hours late for school. This is what happened.
1.        7.30. He cleaned his teeth in the bathroom. The telephone rang.
It was his granny. He spoke to his granny for a few minutes.
2.       He ate his breakfast. The door bell rang. It was his friend.
3.        They left for school. They saw Robert’s uncle from another city
at the door. Robert let him in.
4.        Robert showed their flat to his uncle. There was a call from his
father. He explained to him why he was at home with his uncle.
5.        He walked to school and saw a burglar in the house opposite.
Robert spoke to the police.
Say what Robert was doing at the time mentioned in the episode.
Example: While Robert was walking to school, he saw a burglar in
the house opposite.


Роберт опоздал в школу почти на 2 часа. Что же произошло?
1.      When he was cleaning his teeth in the bathroom the telephone rang. It was his Granny.
2.      He spoke to his Granny for a few minutes.
3.      When he was having his breakfast the door bell rang. It was his friend.
4.      When they were leaving for school they saw Robert’s uncle from another city at the door. Robert took him in.
5.      When Robert was showing their flat to his uncle there was a telephone call from his father. He explained to him why he was at home with his uncle.

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