Интересные вопросы

Lesson 8. № 18. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Помогите ответить на вопросы про животных

 Answer the questions.
1.        What does the life of the people on Earth depend on?
2.        Why are some animals and birds disappearing nowadays?
3.        Can elephants be useful? What can they do for man?
4.        Are only Indian tigers and African elephants in danger nowadays?
5.        Why are other animals also in danger?
6.        Why can you find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book?
7.        What must people do to save the wild animals?


Ответьте на вопросы.
1.    The life of the people on the Earth depends on the sun, on animals and plants around us.
2.    They are disappearing because people have hunted them for years.
3.    Yes, elephants can be useful. They can be used as transport.
4.    Not only Indian elephants and African tigers are in danger.
5.    Other animals are in danger because they don’t have fresh air and clean water.
6.        We can find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book because they are disappearing now.
7.        People must take special care of animals and nature.

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