Интересные вопросы

Lesson 7. № 8. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Помогите сказать, плиз!

Say what the children used to do and what is happening now. Use the given word combinations.
Example: — to live on the farm
Nick used to live on the farm in summer, now he is living in town (or but now he doesn’t).
—       to take a holiday in the mountains,
—       to watch the sunset,
—       to watch the sunrise,
—       to go fishing,
—       to be very curious,
—       to explore new territories.


Скажите, что ребята привыкли делать и что делают сейчас. Используйте данные словосочетания.
Bill used to take a holiday in the mountains in winter but now he doesn’t.
Mary used to watch the sunset in the evening but now she doesn’t.
She also used to watch the sunrise in the morning and she doesn’t do it, either.
John used to go fishing with his father early in the morning but now he doesn’t.
George used to be very curious when he was a child but now he isn’t.
Tom used to explore new territories when he was young but now he doesn’t.

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