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Как понять слова? Unit 2. Section 4. № 85. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Read the well-known words by Jacques Delors. How do you understand his idea of the “global village”?
“But how can we learn to live together in the “global village” if we cannot manage to live together in the communities to which we naturally belong: the nation, the region, the city, the village, the neighbourhood?
Do we want to make a contribution to public life and can we do so?”


Прочтите хорошо известные слова Жака Делора. Как вы понимаете его идею об «огромной деревне»?
In my opinion, Jacques Delors thinks, that the “global village” is a community first of all; just the same community as the nation, the region, the city, the village, the neighbourhood, but only larger. Another idea is that all people, all races and nations on our planet must live in peace. But Jacques Delors thinks that we are not able to do that yet. So we must learn to live together, because every person is a part of the “global village”.

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