Интересные вопросы

Используйте текст Culture Corner 3 № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Listen and read the text again. Imagine
you are a tour guide. Use the text to give your
guided tour to these two monuments.
4s we get off the boat here at Ellis Island, imagine how the first immigrants felt as they...


Reading for specific information (speaking in role)
•      Explain the task.
•      Play the recording of the text and instruct Ss to
read the text again as they listen, paying close
attention to the information given about the tour.
•       In small groups Ss take it in turns to be the tour
guide/the tourists. Monitor the activity.
Suggested Answer Key
... disembarked from their ships to smell the
clean air of freedom and gaze up at the
towering statue that represents the dreams of
a nation. In one hand, the torch of liberty, a
beacon that burns through the darkness of
oppression. In the other hand, the tablet on
which the date when independence was truly
declared is forever recorded. Look further up,
to the heavens, and see the seven continents
of the world. Don’t forget to visit the museum
and relax after with a nice cappuccino from
the cafe. The gift shop is on your left.

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