Интересные вопросы

Хело! Помогите ответить на вопросы. Unit 2. Section 2. № 83. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Read the advertisement about a competition and discuss the questions below;
English for Overseas Students Society in Newcastle sponsors and actively
supports the English Language Competition for students ages 13 to 18.
If you are interested in English, enjoy travelling and are a good team player, this is a
chance for you to win First Prize: a two-month course in one of language schools in
the United Kingdom.
There are three contests in the competition programme:
A written grammar ana vocabulary test
The maximum number of points is 100. If you get 75 points, you can continue on to the
second stage.
A written test on you knowleage of lifestyle and history of English-speaking countries
You can get a maximum of 100 points. One hundred of the top participants are invited
to take part in the final stage that will be held in Newcastle.
A contest of team-based projects
The students are divided into ten teams. Each team gets a topic for a project. The topics
are announced only on the day of the contest. The result depends on your knowledge,
quick mind and ability to work in a team. The team that produces the best project is
awarded a two-month course in one of language schools in the UK.
1  Have you ever taken part in a language competition or any other competition?
2   Do you know any people who have won prizes?
3   Do you think language competitions encourage students to study more?
4   What does the competition above consist of?
5   Which part of the competition seems the most difficult to you? Why?


Прочитайте анонс о конкурсе и ответьте на вопросы.
1)    Yes, I took part in several competitions on different subjects. There are competitions in all subjects in our school each year, so I took part in some of them and I was quite successful in Maths and Physics.
2)    Of course, I know some people who have won prizes. There are several students in my class who have won a lot of prizes in school, local and even republican competitions.
3)    I’m absolutely sure that language competitions encourage students to study more because if you really want to win, you will try to prepare for the competition as much as you can.
4)    This competition consists of a written grammar and vocabulary test, a written test on your knowledge of lifestyle and history of English-speaking countries and a contest of team-based projects.
5)    As for me, a written grammar and vocabulary test seems the most difficult for me because there are so many grammar rules and word expressions in English that it is really hard to learn them all. The test on the knowledge of lifestyle and history of English-speaking countries seems much more interesting for me, because I like to learn something new about the cultures and lifestyles of different countries, although I’m not very fond of history. I don’t like sitting and trying to remember all important dates or so. The test on grammar and vocabulary doesn’t seem very difficult for those who are good at English and a team work is also quite interesting for me as I think it is even easier to work in team, because if you don’t know something, somebody from your team will possibly know that.

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