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Хело! А вы согласны или не согласны? Unit 2. Section 4. № 87. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement below? Say why.
“To cooperate and to live in peace in today’s multicultural Global Village, we have to learn and understand each other to escape culture conflicts and shocks when meeting.”


Согласны вы или нет со следующим утверждением? Объясните.
I absolutely agree with this statement because it explains just the same idea as I have on this problem. I think that it is nearly always possible to avoid a conflict, of course, if somebody wants to do it. When we try to understand another person, we should imagine ourselves in his place, and this method can really help us to avoid a conflict. But when people do everything they can to make the conflict even more serious, they do harm only for themselves. That’s why I think that we all should try to live in peace.

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