Интересные вопросы

ГДЗ.Английский язык.4 класс.Верещагина.Round-up Lessons - курс повторения.Lesson 3.Семья: времена года, одежда, профессии.Задание 1.

Кто сможет помочь ?
Some families are small and some families are large. Look at the
pictures on  and name the members of each family.



Я могу помочь:
1.      Семьи бывают большими и маленькими. Посмотри на картинки
и назови каждого члена семьи.
 a)      Here you can see the Adams’ family. Their family is small. In this pic-
ture you can see Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams, Mr. Adam’s wife, to-
b)     Here you can see the Greens’ family. Their family is large. In this pic-
ture you can see Mr. Green and Mrs. Green with their three children.
You can see children’s uncle and aunt with their son and grandmother.
c)      Here you can see the Smiths’ family. Their family is neither large nor
small. In this picture you can see Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith with their
three children. In the centre you can see children’s grandfather and

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