Дополните диалог № 73 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.
Work in pairs. You are speaking on the
phone. The line is not very good, so you
can’t hear all of the words and ask to
repeat some information. Complete the
dialogue asking questions to the words
in hold (these are the words you didn't
hear well). Act out the dialogue with
your partner.
You: Hello!
Harry: Hello, Harry speaking.
You: Hi,...? I didn’t catch the name.
Harry: This is Harry, remember? We met
in Liverpool.
You: Pardon? ...?
Harry: In L-i-v-e-r-p-o-o-1. We went to the
rock concert together.
You: ...? I’m sorry, it’s not a very good
line (телефонная линия).
Harry: To thé rock concert. You were
wearing white jeans and a T-shirt.
You: ...?
Harry: White. You looked gorgeous in
them. Especially when you were
climbing up on the stage. You
wanted to borrow the microphone.
You: ...? ...? Look here. I’ve never
been to Liverpool. I’m not keen
on rock music at all. And I don’t
wear white jeans.
Harry: Then why have you been wasting
my time then asking all these silly
questions? (pause)
So could we still meet tonight
Работайте в парах. Вы разговариваете по телефону. Связь не очень хорошая, вы слышите не все и просите повторить некоторые сведения. Дополните диалог вопросами к словам, выделенным жирным шрифтом (это слова, которые вы не расслышали). Разыграйте диалог.
You: Hello!
Harry: Hello, Harry speaking.
You: Hi... Who is speaking? I didn’t catch the name.
Harry: This is Harry, remember? We met in Liverpool.
You: Pardon? Where did we meet?
Harry: In L-i-v-e-r-p-o-o-1. We went to the rock concert together.
You: Where did we go to? I’m sorry, it’s not a very good line.
Harry. To the rock concert. You were wearing while jeans and a T-shirt.
You: What colour jeans was I wearing? Harry. White. You looked gorgeous in them, especially when you were climbing up on the stage. You wanted to borrow the microphone.
You: Who was climbing up on the stage? What did I want to borrow? Look here! I’ve never been to Liverpool. I’m not keen on rock music at all. And I don’t wear white jeans.
Harry. Then, why have you been wasting my time then asking all these silly questions? So could we still meet tonight anyway?
Look back at the dialogue. Find words
and phrases that mean the following:
• I didn’t want to make you suffer. (Подробнее...)
Work in groups. Choose one of the texts. Read it. Find the sentence that reflects
the idea of the text in the most accurate (Подробнее...)
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