Интересные вопросы

Что выбрать в ситуациях? Unit 2. Section 2. № 77. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Say which choice you would make in the following situation and why.
If you want to go somewhere on holiday, would you rather...
•      go to a travel agency and ask about how to
book a trip?
•      ask your friends and acquaintances for
useful information about the place you are
going to?
•      buy a ticket and look for where to stay and
what to see once you are there?


Скажите, какой выбор вы бы сделали в следующих ситуациях и почему.
In my opinion, all of these ways of finding useful information are good. What choice to make depends on where and who you are going to spend your holiday with. If you are going along or with some friends in another country, it is better to book a trip in a travel agency or at least learn how to do it. If you are going, for example, in the camp, you can ask some of your friends and acquaintances about that camp. If you go somewhere with family, you can just buy a ticket and book a hotel loom in that city where you are going. So, as you see, you should make your choice considering a place where you going and those people who will accompany you during your trip. But still we should remember that travelling nowadays can sometimes be quite dangerous, that’s why it is much more reliable to buy your holiday trip in a travel agency.

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