Интересные вопросы

3. Напишите ответы на вопросы. Английский в фокусе, Spotlight 8 класс Ваулина. Модуль 3. Раздел Зе


1.   The main characters are schoolboys.
2.    The story took place nowadays near the village of Montignac.
3.      The boys felt really proud because of their discovery.
4.    As, when, so, later that day, but.
5.   The order of the events:
1.   Four teenagers went for a walk in the woods.
2.    One of the boys fell over.
3.    They saw a hole in the ground.
4.    They discovered an underground tunnel.
5.    The next day they, they returned with torches.
6.    They found paintings of animals on the wall.
7.   They told their teacher.
8.    Experts said tey were ancient paintings.

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