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Хело! Помогите записать глаголы в правильной форме. Progress Check 3 № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Kate was bored because she............... (not/go out) all weekend.
2 We ........... (walk) for an hour when it started to rain.
3 This time last week we.............. (lie) on a beach.
4 After Bill ............  (mow) the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.
5 I didn’t sleep well last night because I .................. (worry) about my exams.
6 Daniel felt ill last night because he................... (eat) sweets all day.
7 John ................. (wash) the car when it started to rain.
8 Paul ................. (not/watch) a DVD yesterday.
9 Wendy ..........  (cook) dinner for over two hours before the guests arrived.
10 Jim ..............  (not/finish) all his homework by the time he went to bed.


Запишите правильную  форму глаголов в скобках.
1)   hadn’t gone/been out;
2)    had been walking;
3)    were lying;
4)    had mown;
5)    was worrying;
6)    had been eating;
7)    was washing;
8)    didn’t watch;
9)    had been cooking;
10)   hadn’t finished.

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