Интересные вопросы

17. a) Complete the phrases. Use: have to, had to, have / has, had... Биболетова М. З. Английский Enjoy English 6 класс Модуль 2 Раздел 1

a) Complete the phrases.
Use: have to, had to, have / has, had
A: Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday. But I ... (not / buy) a present for her yet.
B: Well, what about a big box of chocolates? Jane ... a sweet tooth. I think
she’d be really happy to get a present like that.
Mum: Why are you still in bed, Steven? You ... (get up) half an hour ago.
You’ll be late for school.
Steven: Oh, Mum, I don’t feel very well. I ... a sore throat and a headache.
Mum: That’s terrible! You ... stay in bed. Try to go to sleep. I’ll send for the doctor.
Kate: Mum, when are we going to ... dinner? I’m very hungry. I was very
busy and ... not ... lunch today.
Mum: In twenty minutes. But first you ... wash your hands and set the table.
Jessica: ... you ... any special rules at school?
Alice: Nothing special. We ... respect others', wear a school uniform, do our
homework and not be late for school.
Jane: Mum, I ... not ... any homework for Thursday. Could I go to the cinema
with Kate and Julia?
Mum: OK. ... a good time. But you ... come back at 8.
Jane: All right
b) Act out any of the dialogues.


Закончите фразы, используя глагол have.
1.       hadn’t bought; has;
2.       had to get up; have; have to;
3.       have; had not had; have to;
4.       have you got; have to;
5.       have not got; have; have to.

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ГДЗАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.6 класс